Natural Gas
CEC provides natural gas services in accordance with guidelines set by ASTM as well as all other relevant national standards.
CEC also performs complete geotechnical subsurface investigations providing data for site development and foundation installation. Some of the tests we perform include:
Pad Preparation
CEC provides various tests for the preparation of a pad. These tests include, but not exclusively, soil bearing, reinforcing placement, concrete testing, steel placement, steel connections, and any other required IBC test.
Soil Laboratory Testing
Soil identification, compressive strength, direct shear, particle size analysis, Atterberg limits, triaxial testing, density-moisture relationship, California bearing ratio, swell testing of chemically expansive soils
Soil Field Testing
In-place density methods (Troxler, Sand Cone, Balloon), moisture content nuclear method (Troxler), an inspection of backfill and subgrade placement, piling and caisson inspection
Geotechnical Engineering
CEC provides exceptional geotechnical investigational services for your commercial needs. From foundation and soil strength design to retaining wall design and more.