Nuclear Construction
CEC offers clients the highest comprehensive nuclear construction inspection testing.
CEC's Excellent Record in Nuclear Power Plant
CEC is highly experienced in providing construction inspection of nuclear site facilities. We perform quality control testing and inspection of concrete, soils, structural steel, welding and piping for conformance to appropriate AWS, ASME, ANSI, ACI, AISC, ASTM standards. Additionally, CEC performs vendor inspection and vendor surveillance of nuclear power plant equipment and supplies.
CEC personnel assisted in the original development of NQA-1 Part II, Subpart 2.5 “Quality Assurance Requirements for Installation, Inspection, and Testing of Concrete, Structural Steel, Soils, and Foundations for Nuclear Power Plants.” CEC also assisted in the 2010 revision of this standard.
CEC personnel participated in the development of the Joint ASME/ACI Committee 359 Code for the Containment Structure.
CEC personnel also contributed to the “Companion Guide to the ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code,”
edited by K. Rao.
Nuclear Power Plant Projects:
Beaver Valley 2
Crystal River 3
Grand Gulf 1
Indiana Pointe 2
Millstone 2
Oyster Creek
Perry 1
Saint Lucie 1
Saint Lucie 2
Seabrook 1
South Texas 1
Three Mile Island 1